Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Grand Officers visit in Jamaica

August 3,2010

A great time was had by all who attended the annual Grand Officers night at Mt. Lebanon Chapter in Jamaica.

The evening began with entertainment provided by Kristen and her service dog, Bronson, from Canines for Disabled Kids.  Kristen was a wonderful speaker who provided us with information about service animals and their various responsibilities. Bronson is a beautiful smooth haired collie. I was interested to learn that the dogs not only physically help their partners but they help them socially as well. After the presentation Sister Barbara Coleman presented Kristen with a donation of $150 for Canines For Disabled Kids from the members of Mt. Lebanon Chapter.

During the short meeting that followed many special guests were presented including Past Grand Matrons and Past Grand Patrons from Quebec and Massachusetts.  After the meeting everyone retired to the dining room for a late night picnic complete with hot-dogs, lemonade and freshly sliced watermelon.

1 comment:

  1. I must say that Kristen really knows how to deliver the 'service animal' message. Hope to see her back again. . . Bro Dan
