Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vermont 2011 Grand Assembly

What a weekend! Worthy Grand Matron Patty and Worthy Grand Patron Richard spent the entire weekend (ok they didn't do the sleepless overnights) at Rainbow Grand Assembly. It was so special having them there and show their commitment to strengthening the ties with the Masonic family.

Introductions of the Masonic Family were held Friday night and the OES was well represented. It was great seeing so many presented.

Sunday was the installation of officers and the Grand Worthy Advisor is of one of our sisters - Hannah Reen. She is the daughter of sister Penny Walker-Reen and brother John Reen. All three are from Sickle Chapter.

Hannah's Chapter showed up in full-force to support Hannah. Also present were members of the other sponsoring Chapters: Coral (Morrisville) and Johnson. Sisters from Coral presented Hannah with her alter cloth and bibe marker which were gifts from her Advisory Board and all three sponsoring Chapters. The sidelines included Grand Officers and Past Grand Officers of the OES. It was one of the bigger turn-outs for installation and was so awesome to see. The Demolay came in full force as well - we even managed to get a photo of both the Rainbow and the Demolay!

All of the Sterling Assembly girls are Grand Officers this year - a first! You may recognize a few of these faces as some are grandchildren of our memebrs - three are Wescoms and one is a Salls.

Hannah's Term:

Theme: Willy Wonka

Motto: If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it with Vermont Rainbow

Song: Pure Imagination

Colors: Gobstopper Green; Orange Sickle, Bubble Gum Pink and Wonka Purple (Yep PURPLE!)

Flowers: Daises in the colors

Honored Station: Faith

Mascot: Chocolate Labrador

Charity: National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)

Bible Verse: Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. Timothy 4:12

Fun Symbols: Lillipops, Gobstoppers, Wonka Bars and Bottlecaps.

Again thank you WGM Patty and WGP Richard and all of the members of OES for supporting the Rainbow Girls. We hope to see you at the Rainbow Grand Officers receiption in September (more details to follow)!

We have so much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it.

Sister Jacque - Mother Advisor Sterling Assembly

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Hannah, I hope you have wonderful Year with lots of fun. I know that you will be very busy and you will accomplish lots of good things.. Way to Go !!! Bev Young
